Wednesday 5 February 2014

37,449 Deaths By Man-Made Killers Compared To 5 Deaths Caused By Sharks

Sharks - Many are afraid of them and yes they are built with all the bells and whistles of an effective predator... but are they the mindless killers that Hollywood directors and the Western Australian governments make them out to be.

The answer is NO! They are not mindless killers, just predators that rule Earth's oceans (not the human's ocean's).

I found these stats on social media - I can't confirm the exact numbers listed here but the stats will shock you...

-- You May Even Be Safer In The Water -- 

On Average;
  • 5 People Are Killed By Sharks
  • 6 People Are Killed By Roller-Coasters
  • 13 People Are Killed By Vending Machines 
  • 20 People Are Killed By Football 
  • 30 People Are Killed By Ants 
  • 30 People Are Killed By Dogs in USA Alone
  • 40 People Are Killed By Jellyfish - especially in Australia
  • 60 People Are Killed By Tornadoes
  • 70 ChildrenAre Killed By Hot Dogs
  • 100 People Are Killed By Icicles in Russia Alone
  • 130 People Are Killed By Deer - Yes you read correctly! 
  • 340 People Are Killed By Bathtubs 
  • 450 People Are Killed By Falling Out Of Bed
  • 550 People Are Killed By Shopping On Black Friday
  • 845 People Are Killed By Volcanoes 
  • 2,900 People Are Killed By Hippos
  • 6,000 People Are Killed By Texting
  • 10,000 People Are Killed By Lightning
  • 30,000 People Are Killed By Obesity
So there you have it. Sharks aren't so bad after all! 

Instead of culling sharks for the few attacks per year maybe we should be looking at man-made killers first. 

Let's Cull The Following;
  • Junk Food 
  • Text Message Capability On Mobile Phones 
  • Shopping Deals On Black Friday 
  • Beds That Are Too High 
  • Bathtubs
  • Hot Dogs 
  • Football 
  • Vending Machines 
  • Roller Coasters
That alone works out to 37,449 deaths annually by Man-Made Killers compared to the 5 deaths annually by Sharks...  

That would mean that it would take sharks 7,490 years to catch up to just one year of man-made objects causing fatalities.

So next time you look at vending machine, be afraid... be very afraid.

Safe and Sound
What You Can Do To Help

1. Join one or more of the protest/shark friendly pages on Facebook like 'Friends of Sharks', 'Shark Debate WA'. Then share/like the protests posts and photos. 

Even follow the protests from Richard Branson and Ricky Gervais who are strongly opposed to the cull. 

2. Post your disgust at the WA government and your love for sharks on your social media accounts. You can make a difference. 

3. Book yourself into a shark dive. Once you've seen these amazing creatures up close you'll soon realise how hyped up the media's propaganda is. Book A Shark Dive Here 

4. Keep an eye out for even more protests - as the WA doesn't seem to care about the Australian people. Keep it peaceful but make your voice heard. 

Daniel Hardie
Nothing But Adventure 

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