I’m here and willing to help support and save our sharks and
the environment they live in.
If you have been following the news and social media posts
then you know that the world of sharks is in some serious trouble thanks to the
WA Shark Cull which continues to
catch and kill any shark larger than 3 metres. This includes the threatened
species of Great Whites.
There are plenty of supporters rallying against the WA
government and are desperately trying to help as much as they can. There are
plenty of Facebook pages, Twitter accounts and charities that all aim to get
this message across and to make a difference.
With your help we can make a difference. And here is just
one simple way to show your support for our beloved shark populations.
A couple of months back I wrote an eBook – ‘Shark Diving Holidays’ and eBook
describing the adventures I've had shark diving around the world which includes
South Africa, Hawaii and in Australia plus provides information on shark species
in general.
For every eBook sold I will be donating $1 to the Australian
Marine Conservation Society, one of the biggest protesters against the WA governments
Who Are AMCS?
The Australian Marine
Conservation Society (AMCS) is the voice for Australia's oceans. We work on
behalf of the community to protect our ocean wildlife, make our fisheries
sustainable and create places in the sea where our precious ocean animals are
safe from harm.
AMCS is an independent charity. We are a committed group of professional and passionate scientists, educators and advocates who have defended Australia's oceans for over forty years.
The Australian Marine Conservation Society is Australia's only national charity dedicated exclusively to protecting ocean wildlife and their homes
AMCS is an independent charity. We are a committed group of professional and passionate scientists, educators and advocates who have defended Australia's oceans for over forty years.
The Australian Marine Conservation Society is Australia's only national charity dedicated exclusively to protecting ocean wildlife and their homes
How Can You Participate?
Shark Diving Holidays is sold on www.ebooksabouttravel.com as well as all
the major retailers; Barnes & Noble, Diesel eBooks, Amazon Kindle, iBooks,
iTunes and more.
Simply purchase the eBook at any of these retailers and I’ll add
a $1 per book to the AMCS at the end of each month.
The AMSC also takes donations online at their website http://www.marineconservation.org.au/
or if you prefer to do a one-off donation then I recommend using www.givenow.com.au.
There are also plenty of charities out there that help and support
sharks and I will provide a list of these charities in an upcoming post. I’ve
chosen AMCS because they currently have the loudest voice for our world’s
oceans which strongly supports our sharks.
-- > Purchase Shark Diving Holidays Here < --
Daniel Hardie - Nothing But Adventure
WIN Australian Adventures Every Month
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